Plant Diversity Data
Last October 2019, the CONserve-KAIGANGAN Project 1 conducted a biodiversity assessment in the forest over limestone ecosystems of the three municipalities in Samar Island, Philippines. For the plant diversity assessment, nine (9) 20m x 20m plots (for trees) and 18 line transects (for understory) were established per municipality.
Within each plot, the local names, the circumference of trees at breast height, tree height, canopy cover, and horizontal profile of trees were recorded. Within these plots, two line transects at 5 meters each (with 1-meter interval markings) were laid for the understory species. The local name, height, and cover of the understory plants traversing these transects were also recorded.
The dataset for each vegetation sampling site can be accessed through the links below upon request:
You need to sign in to a Google account to request access and view the dataset for each municipality. For inquiries, please contact the admin at